Friday, April 29, 2011

Pacific Commercial Advertiser Reports: Hawaii's Inspector General of Schools Visits New Jersey (1876)

The Pacific Commercial Advertiser of Honolulu featured a story dated June 17, 1876. It focuses on a letter from Hawaii's Inspector General of Schools Mr. Hitchcock on his journey to Trenton, New Jersey:



The following extract from a letter from Mr. Hitchcock, the Inspector General of Schools, now on a visit to the United States, will be read with great interest:

“On the 6th of this month, I went to Trenton, N.J. in company with Mr. Slack, a Trenton man, to inspect the State normal school established in that city. Connected with the school is a ‘model school,’ for the young normals’ to try their hand at. But this is not allowed, except in the primary classes. The class rooms of both buildings, the normal, and model schools, are partitioned off with glass sashes, which are raised or lowered in the same manner as window sash, this permitting the whole floor to be thrown into one room if desirable. When these sashes are down, no sound is distinguishable from the various rooms.

“The pupils were engaged in written examinations, at the same time of my visit, these examinations being ordered by the State Superintendent, for the purpose of exhibition at the Centennial. I passed around the various rooms with the principal of the model school, overlooking the work of the pupils, and was favorably impressed with the neat appearance of their papers; drawings in colored crayons were very beautifully executed on the blackboards surrounding the rooms. Great attention was paid to this art.

“Passing over to the normal school situated in the same enclosure, I was shewn into the recitation rooms of different classes. Of these there are three, numbering in all nearly two hundred students, of which at least four-fifths are ladies. There are two courses, one of three, and the other of two years. The curriculum of study is almost identical with the one which I proposed for Lahainaluna last year.

“I was surprised at the youthful appearance of the students. The graduating class could not have averaged over eighteen years; whist the entering class were mere boys and girls. I attended a recitation of each class, and was much struck with the intellectual development manifested. The lower classes represented raw recruits, struggling to master the mysteries of arithmetic, the middle class had left arithmetic behind, and with barks slightly battered in coming in collision with arithmetical icebergs, steered on to meet the unknown dangers of higher mathematics, and physical science. The graduating class were at their moorings, taking in their last stores, rating their chronometers, and receiving their last sailing orders previous to acting as convoys for numerous fleets of small craft awaiting their guidance.

“After spending two very agreeable hours in this state institution, I went with Mr. Slack to the state house, and examined various collections of specimens, principally geological, which the pupils of the state schools had made for exhibition at the Centennial. These will make a very handsome show, and were collected at the State Department of Education, previous to being shipped for the Centennial grounds.

“On the 13th inst., in company with Rev. C. Forbes, formerly missionary at the Islands, I visited the Philadelphia Northern-Home for friendless children, and sister institution the Home for soldiers and sailors orphans. Here again were written examinations going on, by order of the Superintendent of Instruction. Both institutions numbered about 400 pupils of both sexes, and are controlled by a board of ladies.

Everything about the establishments was perfectly neat, and the pupils appeared to be well cared for. Still, I saw a great many old faces on young shoulders, telling the tale of early trouble. The gem of these establishments is the ‘Kindergarten School,’ where the little ones were taught. In a large room wherein flowers were made to bloom at all seasons, and a canary made music at all hours of the day, was a low form in the shape of a parallelogram. Around this form, seating in comfortable little rocking chairs were some twenty little midgets, the oldest of whom was not more than six. Here they were amusing themselves in drawing on slates, making variegated paper mats, modeling fruits and animals into clay, unconsciously learning and studying, whilst in reality playing. I was assured that the little things, some not more than three years old, generally learned to read by the time they mastered the alphabet. Variously colored blocks with the letters upon them were placed in a heap together, and the little ones would form the word signifying the name of any object in the room after seeing their teacher print the same on the black board. And their clay models were very good in many instances; they were but a step in advance of childhood’s mud pies. At the request of the matron I talked a little to the children, and wound up with a sentence of two in Hawaiian; where at the young ones laughed heartily as did also their teachers. This Kindergarten School is to be exhibited at the Centennial in the Pennsylvania Building.”

American Historical Association: The Waldo G. Leland Prize for 2011

The American Historical Association is accepting submissions for its Waldo G. Leland Prize for 2011. Click here for a direct link for more information.

This prize, established by the AHA Council in 1981, is offered every five years for the most outstanding reference tool in the field of history. It is named after Waldo G. Leland, a distinguished contributor to bibliographical guides, who served as secretary to the Association from 1909 to 1920. "Reference tool" encompasses bibliographies, indexes, encyclopedias, and other scholarly apparatus. The award is honorific.

For the 2011 award, works published between May 1, 2006, and April 30, 2011, will be eligible for consideration.

One copy of each entry must be received by each of the committee members.

Entries must be postmarked by or on MAY 16, 2011 to be eligible -- late entries will NOT be considered. Submissions are NOT returned.

American Historical Association: Directory of History Journals

The American Historical Association features a directory on history journals. Click here for a direct link.

"This database provides helpful links to peer-reviewed English-language journals that publish in all fields of history. Just choose a subject category from the list below and the journal's description and submission information are a mouse-click away. You’ve expended enough energy researching and writing your paper; let us help you find a place to publish it. No more time-consuming searches on the internet!"

We also point out that many history teachers and historians are looking for opportunities to get published. Peruse the directory! Good luck!

10 Ways to Find Out How Good the School System is in a New Area

This morning we learned from a fan of this news-blog of a web site we wanted to share. This web site, 10 Ways to Find Out How Good the School System is in a New Area, features a series of web resources that allows its visitors to learn more about the quality of school districts:

When you’re planning to move to a new area, one of your biggest concerns is going to be the quality of the schools in the area. Doing a drive-by look at a school or even visiting the school website will give you very little idea of the quality of the education that your children might receive there.

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

History of Hawaii Education: Female Seminary, Waialua, Oahu 1876

Pacific Commercial Advertiser (Honolulu): July 15, 1876

The examination of the Waialua Female Seminary took place July 6th. The church was beautifully decorated for the occasion. The walls were hung within paintings, drawings and appropriate mottoes, the work of the scholars.

The exercises commenced promptly at nine, and the opening chorus was one worth listening to. The salutatory delivered in both English and Hawaiian was worthy of the occasion. The whole examination was pleasantly interspersed with songs, recitations and compositions; most of the latter were read both in English and Hawaiian.

All the classes did well, but we especially enjoyed the arithmetic classes taught by Miss Green and the recitations of Miss Lyndgate’s classes in Physiology, Natural History, Astronomy and Philosophy. The little ones of the school really surprised us; they are hardly more than infants and yet they read and spell nicely. The examination was very long and thorough, and reflected great credit upon both teachers and scholars.

The exhibition, which occupied three hours, was one of the best we have ever attended. All the songs were well selected and well sung. The organ was played by the girls. The gymnastics, led by one of the older scholars, were a success. The school is one of the largest boarding schools on the Islands, numbering between 70 and 80. The girls all seem happy and contented, and to be much attached to the principal, Miss Green. The school buildings are in a fine condition, and the yard is looking better than we have ever seen it. One feature of this examination pleased us exceedingly, -the fact that many of the advanced scholars taught the classes.

Honolulu Star Advertiser: New Board of Education Meets

Honolulu's Star Advertiser reports in today's edition that the newly-appointed Board of Education met:

After taking a moment to recognize their elected predecessors, the appointed Board of Education tackled its first meeting yesterday, approving new bylaws and committees while pledging to find and fix problems in Hawaii’s public education system.

Board members voted to create an audit committee, whose first order of business will be to review the BOE’s policies and figure out which ones aren’t needed. The committee will later conduct audits of DOE offices, programs and schools.

“Historically, an audit is viewed as going out and finding all the problems,” BOE Chairman Don Horner said at the meeting. But the board, he said, is interested in “not simply identifying the problems, but identifying the solutions.”

Click this link for the full text of the story.

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Teacher Workshop: “Letters From the Front: Life in George Washington’s Army”

Teacher Workshop: Thursday, August 11, 2011
8:30 AM to 4PM

“Letters From the Front: Life in George Washington’s Army”
An ACT 48 History Workshop for K – 12 Teachers

Presented by the
David Library of the American Revolution
in association with
Pennsylvania Coalition for Representative Democracy (PennCORD)

Keynote Lecturer:

Edward G. Lengel, Ph. D.
Professor and Editor in Chief of the George Washington Papers
at the University of Virginia

The workshop, open to K-12 educators, will introduce teachers to the experience of soldiering in the Continental Army as seen through the eyes of officers and men during the Revolutionary War.

The workshop will draw on the David Library’s Sol Feinstone Collection of original manuscripts. Thomas J. McGuire, teacher and author of The Philadelphia Campaign will be a co-presenter.

To register, or for further information, contact William P. Tatum III, Sol Feinstone Scholar at the David Library: or 215.493.6776 ext. 103. Registrants must provide their name, email address, school, grade(s) taught, and for awarding of ACT 48 Credits, Professional Personal ID #.

Saturday, April 23, 2011

OAH Presents Community College Workshop June 9-11 in Denver

The Organization of American Historians will be hosting its fifth annual Community College Workshop, June 9-11, 2011 on the campus of the Community College of Denver. Click here for a direct link.

The workshop series offers community college historians an excellent opportunity for funded professional development, networking, and an enjoyable break in the Mile High City. Stipends of as much as $200 will be offered to fifty community college faculty participants, both full and part time/adjunct, who have demonstrated a commitment to teaching at the community college level.

Workshop panels are tailored to meet the specific needs and challenges of community college historians. The workshops are held over three days, with plenary-style panels and small group breakout sessions focused on subjects related to teaching U.S. history. The workshops also include a daylong offsite session utilizing local history sites and resources. The three-day format allows time and space for formal and informal networking, which is essential to building collegiality, assimilating lessons learned, and setting the stage for follow-up activities. Workshop presenters are master teachers, community college professors, prominent research historians, and local public history experts.

Registration is still open. Hawaii community college educators are strongly urged to apply now. Please go to this link for more information.

Thursday, April 21, 2011

Common-Place publishes its April 2011 edition

Food, glorious food! What did nineteenth-century Americans eat? History Education Hawaii reports that the April 2011 edition of Common-place, and online journal of history published by the American Antiquarian Society:

In the new issue of Common-place, Guest Editor David S. Shields, McClintock Professor of Southern Letters at the University of South Carolina, takes readers on a tour of “American Food in the Age of Experiment.”

Point your browser to to learn more about foods that have disappeared from our kitchens (think pigeon and mangel wurtzel) and efforts to restore nineteenth-century grains and recover the foodways of enslaved people.

And if you are wondering what to cook for dinner, peruse our cookbook of “various receipts” for Fricassee of Squirrels, Succotash, a la Tecumseh, and Watermelon juice.

Bon appétit!

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Dickinson College's House Divided Project

In the May 2011 edition of the NCHE's History Matters! newsletter we note and highly recommend the following:

Dickinson College hosted a series of events at the outset of the Civil War 150th anniversary (April 15 and 16) to formally launch the House Divided Project, an effort to provide 21st century tools for teaching 19th-century topics in Americaʼs K-12 classrooms.

At the center of the project is a powerful database, which includes more than 10,000 historic images and hundreds of thousands of individual records connected together in an easy-to-use interface designed to help teach the difference between “search” and “research.”

John Osborne and Matthew Pinsker are co-directors of the House Divided Project. Osborne is an

emeritus professor of history from Dickinson College. Pinsker is an associate professor of history

and holder of The Brian C. Pohanka '77 Faculty Chair in American Civil War History at Dickinson

and author of Lincoln's Sanctuary (Oxford, 2003).

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Concord Review: Disadvantaged Students

Will Fitzhugh

The Concord Review

April 16, 2011

The California State College System reported recently that 47% of their freshmen must take remedial reading courses before they can be admitted to regular college academic courses. The Diploma to Nowhere report of the Strong American Schools Project said that more than one million of our high school graduates are in remedial courses at our colleges each year.

Keep in mind that these are not high school dropouts. These are students who did what we asked them to do, were awarded their high school diplomas at graduation, applied to college, were accepted at college, and then told when they got there that they were not well prepared enough by their high schools to take college courses.

The Chronicle of Higher Education did a survey of college professors, who reported that 90% of their freshmen were not very well prepared in reading, doing research or writing.

From my perspective, these students, regardless of their gender, race, creed, or national origin, have been disadvantaged during their twelve years in our public schools. My research indicates that the vast majority have never been asked to do a single serious research paper in high school, and, while I have been unable to find money to do a study of this, I have anecdotal evidence that the vast majority of our public high school students are never asked to read one complete nonfiction book by their teachers during their four years.

Race can be a disadvantage of course, even for the children of Vietnamese boat people, and poverty can be a disadvantage in education as well, even for the children of unemployed white families in Appalachia. But the disadvantages of disgracefully low expectations for academic reading and writing are disinterestedly applied to all of our public high school students, it appears.

Huge numbers of unprepared public high school students provide an achievement gap all by themselves, albeit one that is largely ignored by those who think that funding is the main reason so many of our students fail to complete any college degree.

In that study by The Chronicle of Higher Education, they also asked English teachers if they thought their students were prepared for college reading and writing tasks, and most of them thought their students were well prepared. The problem may be that English departments typically assign fiction as reading for students and the writing they ask for is almost universally personal and creative writing and the five-paragraph essay, supplemented now by work on the little 500-word personal "college essay."

It is hard to conceive of a literacy program better designed to render our public high school students poorly prepared for the nonfiction books and term papers at the college level. Of course, many colleges, eager to fill their dorms and please their "customers" with easy courses and grade inflation, are gradually reducing the number of books students are assigned and the length of papers they are asked to write, but this simply adds to the disadvantages to which we are subjecting our students, all the while charging them large amounts of money for tuition.

Many parents are satisfied when their children tell them that they love their high school, perhaps not fully realizing that the students are talking mostly about their social life and their after-school sports and other activities. They may remain unaware that our students are being prevented from learning to read history books and from writing serious term papers. No one mentions that disadvantage, so no doubt these parents are just as surprised, humiliated, and embarrassed as their children when they are not allowed into regular college courses when they get there.

Americans have big hearts, and are concerned when they are told of the plight of our disadvantaged students who are black, Hispanic, or poor. But they are naturally not really able to summon up much concern over an academic literacy achievement gap which disadvantages practically all of our public high school students, especially if the schools and the Edupundits keep them quite uninformed about it.

Start Planning Now! NCHE's 2012 Conference in Kansas City

The National Council for History Education has announced that its 2012 conference will be held at the Westin Crown Center in Kansas City, Missouri from March 22 to March 24.

When we have more information we will post it here. Our congratulations to the NCHE and its staff for hosting a superb 2011 conference in Charleston!

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

History Education Hawaii Selected to be 'Hawaii Council' for NCHE

We have received news that History Education Hawaii, Inc., is now the National Council for History Education's (NCHE) "official council" in Hawaii.

The National Council for History Education, formed by respected members of the history profession, history teachers and authors, is the successor of the Bradley Commission on History in the Schools. Go to this link to learn more about the seminal work of the Bradley Commission.

It has also appointed HEH founder Jeffrey Bingham Mead its official NCHE liaison for the State of Hawaii, effective immediately. His term goes to December 1, 2013. In the letter confirming his appointment, Mead will be "the eyes and ears for the National Council," serving as the direct point of contact for NCHE staff and board on issues and as the organization's representative. In this capacity Mead may be called upon the speak on behalf of NCHE or to act as its spokesman on issues.

History Education Hawaii extended its thanks to its growing supporters and partner organizations in Hawaii and across the United States. We look forward to building a learning community of history educators, historians, students and historical organizations, libraries and archives.

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Victory? Yes, but it's not quite over...

We were victorious in preserving the Teaching American History Grant Program (TAH) in the federal government's 2011 budget. As NCHE has pointed out, it shows the "the strength of NCHE's membership and their willingness to step up and be counted on these issues." We at History Education Hawaii concur.

TAH was kept alive when numerous other programs have gone by the wayside. We have friends from various sectors and across party lines who responded positively to our voices. Our efforts reiterated that the National Council for History Education and allied organizations such as History Education Hawaii are "leading in teaching and learning history."

It's not quite over.

The 2012 federal budget is upon us. We will need to fight to keep TAH alive in this budget. Both the House and Senate are still working on ESEA and we need to continue our place at the table by working with them to ensure the place of history education.

Take a few moments to thank your Senator and House members for helping on this.

We Did It! Teaching American History Grant Preserved for FY 2011

The National Council for History Education reported today that our shared efforts at preserving the Teaching American History Grant Program was successful. The program (not an earmark) was reduced to $46 million, though it was preserved.

Hundreds of educators, including those in Hawaii, as well as university and college faculty, librarians, archivists and museum staff across 35 states worked together to effectively reach out to our U.S. House and Senate members.

History Education Hawaii extends its thanks to Hawaii education professionals, historians, students, museum and library staff members for making their voices heard. We are especially grateful for the leadership exhibited by the NCHE. Big mahalo to all!

Monday, April 11, 2011

The Critical Moment for TAH is at Hand and We Need Your Help!

The National Council for History Education reports today that the Senate and House are currently negotiating out the final details of the Continuing Resolution needed to complete the current (FY 2011) budget year for the U.S. Government

The House has recommended eliminating all funding for the Teaching American History Grant Program (TAH), while the Senate appears to be willing to consider keeping it alive and funded.

The balance can be tipped to save TAH if you would CALL or EMAIL (no time for snail mail) your Senators and House members today. Tell them:

* The Teaching American History Grants are the only federally funded program in professional development for history educators.

* TAH is NOT an earmark, but a Congressionally mandated program funded by Congress through the Department of Education.

* TAH is important in keeping history alive in our schools and we are asking Congress to fully fund it in the Continuing Resolution for FY2011.

In particular, there are three Senators and three House members who are negotiating out the Continuing Resolution. Even if you are not a constituent, please call or email them.

Senator Tom Harkin (Democrat, Iowa)

Senator Thad Cocrhan (Republican, Mississippi)

Senator Richard Shelby (Republican, Alabama)

Representative Hal Rodgers (Republican Kentucky)

Representative Denny Rehberg (Republican, Montana)

Representative Rosa DeLauro (Democrat, Connecticut)

Note: Some House and Senate members will only accept emails from their own constituents, so calls and faxes are the next step in order to reach them. Please Act Today ---Monday-- as the Committees are Meeting to Make these Decisions NOW!

Friday, April 8, 2011

Teaching American History Program Funding Friday Update

History Education Hawaii has learned from the National Council for History Education (NCHE) that the House of Representatives yesterday passed a short term (one week) Continuing Resolution (CR) that includes $12 billion in cuts. The Teaching American History Program (TAH) was zeroed out -meaning no funding.

The bill was brought forward to forestall the impending government shutdown at midnight tonight as well as to fund the military through the fall. Both the Senate and the President have said they will not support this (the former through not acting upon it and the latter through a veto).

Senator Harkin is apparently working to keep TAH alive and the Senate as a whole does not appear to want to eliminate it. Some cuts to TAH are entirely probable. At this moment the issue is to keep TAH alive and funded.

Concerned citizens from across the nation have reached out to express their concerns. They include teachers, professors, museums, historical societies, libraries, archives, business leaders, civic leaders, lawyers, etc. Hearing from constituents is vital.

The National Council for History Education is asking for the following:

1) If you have not contacted your Senator, do so!
Send an email or make the call. Snail mail (unless it is over-nighted) will not be of much use. I can provide numbers or email addresses or they can be find on the official web sites for each Senator (google their name and state and you will get it pretty quickly).

Get your friends, children, TAH teachers, state council members, professional colleagues to make the call. Spending just a couple either sending emails or working the phones to get friends to call will have a tremendous impact.

Be short and sweet and clear on the message:
a) TAH is important needs to be fully funded.
TAH is NOT an earmark. We have seen some emails from staffers who are confused on this issue and claim that TAH is an earmark. This is a legislatively mandated program funded annually within the Department of
Education and is not an earmark. Emphasize this right up front!
c) TAH is the only federally funded professional development program in history education and needs to be supported.

4) We must
reach out to Senator Tom Harkin (Dem. Iowa, Chair of the Senate HELP committee). He does support TAH and NCHE has met frequently with his staff. Last fall, in the initial CR discussion, he proposed full funding for the program so we know he is a supporter. He needs to hear from you:

Senator Tom Harkin
Office number is 202-224-3254
Fax is 202-224-9369
Cedar Rapids Office is 319-365-4504
Des Moines Office is 515-284-4574
Sioux City Office is 712-252-1550

For Hawaii history teachers, history students, historians and history buffs please continue to contact the offices of Senator Daniel Inouye. The deadline is looming. Please contact him today!

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Contact Your Senators: Preserving Teaching American History Grant Funding

NCHE Executive Director Peter Seibert has sent History Education Hawaii the following. Your advocacy is needed NOW:

This morning I received word from our advocacy firm that the U.S. House of Representatives is proposing the elimination of all TAH funding in the new Continuing Resolution (CR) that is being brought forward this week. This is extremely serious as this would effectively eliminate the program this year (not only the just-filed grants but also the year four and five grants as well) and could jeopardize support going forward. This came up very quickly and it appears the Senate is resisting. However, the program could still be eliminated or significantly reduced. Thus, we need you to act today!!!

The action steps needed are this:

1) Please call or email your Senators to tell them of your concern about the elimination of this funding by the House. We are bipartisan organization and both Republican and Democratic Senators have supported this program so affiliation is not the issue. Contact the local or district office for your Senator (I can provide you with that information if you are not sure) as this is often more effective that calling the DC offices where you will be one of a myriad of callers into their switchboards.

2) Identify yourself as a constituent (always vital) and outline your concern with the proposed elimination of TAH funding by the House in the forthcoming Continuing Resolution. It is important to focus on the impact of the program in your state (if you need information on this, email me directly and I will get you figures on the number of grants awarded over time). It is also important to stress the importance of history in the curriculum and that TAH is the only federal program to support professional development in history education.

3) Ask them to maintain TAH funding at the same level as last year and not to approve elimination of this funding.

4) Contact your colleagues, TAH teachers, museums, etc., on this.

Additional steps:

1) Contact your U.S.. House member on this issue. The House is not unified in this cut and pressure can be brought to bear upon leadership on both sides to fight to save this program. Again, use the same action steps as above.

2) Home Run Actions.
Speak to your Senator directly! A tough one but this ensures that the message gets through the web of staffers.
Contact your Governor and ask him/her to call your Senators on this issue.

Time is of the essence as we have only a few days to act on this surprising action!

We The People: Summer Institute for Hawaii and Alaska Teachers

The 2011 We The People Summer Institute For Teachers has been announced by the King Kamehameha V Judiciary History Center in Honolulu.

The deadline for applications is April 15, 2011.

Experience a rigorous professional development program with constitutional scholars from a variety of disciplines and outstanding mentor teachers. Participants will attend lectures and sessions dedicated to teaching methods appropriate to the We The People curriculum.

Join institute scholars Dr. Melody MacKenzie, University of Hawaii at Manoa, Dr. Paul Ongtooguk, University of Alaska, Anchorage, and Dr. David Wilkins, University of Minnesota as they address the following topic from Unit 6 in the We The People text:

What Challenges Face American Constitutional Democracy in the 21st Century?
What are the greatest challenges of American citizenship for Native peoples? What tensions exists today between national unity, state sovereignty, and native governments? What are the advantages and disadvantages, if any, of being a citizen of both the United States and a native government?

Where & When
King Kamehameha V Judiciary History Center
417 South King Street
Honolulu, Hawaii 96813

July 18-20, 2011
8:30AM-3:30PM, Daily

Fifteen Oahu-based and five neighbor-island teachers from upper elementary, middle, and high schools will be selected to attend. DOE teachers will have the opportunity to receive three PD credits. Travel and lodging will be covered for neighbor-island teachers. All participants will receive a selection of constitutional literature at no cost.

Send your application and statement via email or fax to:

Keahe Davis, Education Specialist
King Kamehameha V Judiciary History Center
Phone: 808-539-4994
Fax: 808-539-4996

Friday, April 1, 2011

Testimony Submitted to Senator Ige: Funding for Judiciary History Center

Dear Senator Ige:

I am an adjunct lecturer at Hawaii Tokai International College, and founder/president of History Education Hawaii, an allied organization of the National Council for History Education. Today I am writing in support of HB300 HD2 SD1, which includes funding for the Judiciary History Center.

One of the most important aspects of civic education is that Americans since the nation’s founding have professed it to be essential. Educating all American young people for their future roles as engaged, responsible citizens has not wavered over time and circumstance. The King Kamehemeha V Judiciary History Center serves the public as a vital educational resource. Through its hands-on programs, for example, young people from around the world attain a deeper understanding of the fundamental principles of the major tenets of freedom, democracy and constitutional principles at work.

Each academic term I bring my students to the Judiciary History Center to perform one of the mock trials in the restored 1913 Courtroom, tour the exhibits and view the chambers of the Hawaii Supreme Court. Some of my students over the years are Americans, though the majority originates from Japan, China, Mongolia and other nations in East Asia.

Most have never been in a setting such as this in their home countries. They come away with a greater recognition all have a shared interest in the role of government in their lives as well as an understanding of procedural fairness through constitutionalism. Their experience has a meaningful impact on their education. Without the programs and staff of the Judiciary History Center none of this would be possible.

Thank you very much for considering my testimony in support of HB300 HD2 SD1.

Jeffrey Bingham Mead
Founder/President, History Education Hawaii
Adjunct Lecturer, Hawaii Tokai International College