Attention history educators!
It’s not too early to mark your calendars for the 11th Annual Hawaii International Conference on Education.
The conference is scheduled
from Sunday, January 6 to Wednesday, January 9, 2013 at the Hilton Hawaiian Village Beach Resort in Honolulu, Hawaii.
The 2013 Hawaii International
Conference on Education will once again be the gathering place for academicians
and professionals from Education and related fields from all over the world:
main goal of the 2013 Hawaii International Conference on Education is to
provide an opportunity for academicians and professionals from various
education related fields from all over the world to come together and learn
from each other. An additional goal of the conference is to provide a place for
academicians and professionals with cross-disciplinary interests related to
education to meet and interact with members inside and outside their own
particular disciplines.”
More than 1,300 attended the
2012 conference. To register for the upcoming gathering go to this link.