Friday, November 29, 2013

Fred Korematsu Institute: FREE Teaching Kit Available

Fred Korematsu is remembered for his courageous fight against the Japanese American Internment which led to the 1944 Supreme Court case, Korematsu v. United States. Fred Korematsu was exonerated almost 40 years later and was eventually awarded the Presidential Medal of Freedom by President Clinton.

The Korematsu Institute wants to send you a FREE Teaching Kit that helps teachers instruct on the life of Fred Korematsu and the overall Japanese American internment during World War II.

We hope you inform your teachers about this FREE Teaching Kit, and help us spread teaching materials about pivotal story in U.S. History.  

The Korematsu Institute has a wealth of free teaching materials that help students learn about Fred and the Japanese American internment during World War II.  Items include:

*  a K-12 teaching guide,
*  a Fred Korematsu classroom poster,
*  videos appropriate for students at all grade levels,
*  a one-day lesson plan/PowerPoint presentation,
*  the 24 minute version of the Emmy Award winning video, “Of Civil Wrongs and Rights, the Fred Korematsu Story.”

Fred Korematsu Day is celebrated on his birthday each year, January 30th.  This is a good time to connect Fred’s story with other civil rights champions, examine key civil liberties issues, and remember the stories of the 120,000 people (approximately 70% were American citizens) who were interned in concentration camps without due process of law. 

We want as many teachers as possible to teach about this important part of U.S. and Constitutional history,” says Karen Korematsu, Fred’s daughter.  “We’ve worked with funders to make sure materials are free of charge and also downloadable.”

For more information please contact: 

Evan Goldberg, Coordinator
Education Manager, Fred T. Korematsu Institute for Civil Liberties and Education
Alameda County Office of Education
313 W. Winton Avenue, Hayward CA  94544-1198

Oahu History Bee and Bowl 2013: Pictures and Appreciation!

On Saturday, November 9, the Oahu History Bee and Bowl was held at Iolani School. 

History Education Hawaii, Inc., this year's co-sponsor with The Pacific Learning Consortium congratulates all who made the playoffs and qualified for the National competitions. 

The photos featured here were furnished by David Madden, founder of the National History Bee and Bowl. 

We were very pleased to hear that Hawaii New Now featured news of the tournament. 

We'd like to extend our appreciation to John Bickel and Iolani School. The newest member of the team, Esma Arslan of the University of Hawaii, will be directing future National History Bee and Bowl events in Hawaii.

There's more to come! Island Pacific Academy will be hosting the Hawaii State Championships on Saturday, February 22, 2014. See you there! 

American Antiquarian Society's Common-place November 2013 Edition Released

In the Fall 2013 issue of Common-place:

- Dwight Pitcaithley and Marie Tyler-McGraw tell the story of the Lemmon Case—a trial dealing with states’ rights and slavery far less famous than the Dred Scott case, but that held the potential to more completely overturn the Constitutional order in the years before the Civil War. 

- Lara Langer Cohen offers a glimpse into the oddly conformist teenage subculture of nineteenth-century amateur newspaper publishing. 

- Cybele Gontar charts the history of the production of abolitionist textiles in France.

- Zara Anishanslin gives notes on a manual for raising silkworms. 

All this, along with the latest reviews, poetry, and more, can be found in the new issue, available

Friday, November 22, 2013

TONIGHT: The American Civil War and the Neutrality Act 1861

The American Civil War and the Neutrality Act of 1861
Presented by the King Kamehameha V Judiciary History Center and the Friends of the Judiciary History Center

Friday, November 22, 2013. 5:30pm to 7:30pm

Nearly 5,000 miles away and separated by the vast Pacific Ocean, the Hawaiian Kingdom is often overlooked in the annals of American Civil War history. At the outbreak of the American Civil War in1861, King Kamehameha IV declared neutrality for the Kingdom of Hawaii, yet more than 100 people from Hawaii fought in the war on both sides. 

Who were these men? How did the Union blockade of southern ports in the United States benefit the Hawaiian nation? How did the Civil War contribute to the emergence of Hawaiʻi as a majorsugar producer and exporter?

Neil Dukas, military historian, provides an overview of the islands' military history. Anita Manning, historian, shares residents' reaction to the war. Nanette Napoleon, researcher, tells the stories of Union General Samuel Armstrong and others who fought in the war. Dr. Justin Vance (Hawaiʻi Pacific University) discusses the Neutrality Act and its impact.

This presentation is free and open to the public. Please RSVP by calling (808) 539-4999 no later than November 21, 2013.