Monday, March 23, 2015

NCHE 2016 Call for Conference Session Proposals: Crossing Borders

A Call for Conference Session Proposals by the National Council for History Education has been announced. 

This is in anticipation of the NCHE's 2016 annual conference scheduled to be held in Niagara Falls, New York, April 21-23, 2016. 

All proposals must be received by 5:00 pm on October 19, 2015. Late submissions WILL NOT be accepted.

The 2016 theme is Crossing Borders:

Since the beginning of recorded time the act of crossing borders has often proved historically significant. From the development of ancient civilizations and the expansion of empires through adventures in space travel and the recent international focus on various issues relating to immigration, the concept of crossing borders has had a wide range of implications for individuals and groups around the globe.

Borders are crossed every day by immigrants, refugees, tourists, and businessmen, but the act of crossing borders goes far beyond physically traveling from one country to another. In his 1966 commencement address at South Africa’s University of Capetown, Robert F. Kennedy noted that borders exist not only between nations, but also within them, and that they are not only political, but social and economic as well: “...we must first, all of us, demolish the borders which history has erected between men within our own nations – barriers of race and religion, social class and ignorance.”

Straddling the border between the United States and Canada, Niagara Falls not only presents a majestic view to visitors, it also offers a fitting venue for examining the many reasons and ways that borders of all kinds have been crossed throughout history. A major station on the Underground Railroad that assisted slaves in escaping to Canada, the border at Niagara Falls was also crossed by bootleggers smuggling alcohol into the United States during Prohibition.

The National Council for History Education welcomes proposals for presentations and poster sessions on the theme “Crossing Borders” for the 2016 National Conference. We encourage interested parties to consider how various types of borders, regardless the intellectual discipline, have shaped how we look at the past, navigate the present and prepare for the future.

Proposals and poster sessions will be primarily evaluated on their intellectual content. Ultimately, our goal is to provide information that stimulates and provokes discussion and audience engagement with best practices that promote historical inquiry and effective instructional practices.

We invite proposals for sessions in three different formats: Breakout Sessions, Poster Sessions and Mini Sessions.

Breakout sessions are typically interactive “how to” sessions designed for the K-12 educator. The teacher workshops are 50 minutes in length. A maximum of 4 presenters is recommended plus a facilitator.

Poster Session:
Poster Session topics range from teaching ideas to research reports. Each poster presenter or small group
displays their poster on a table simultaneously in a 60 minute session and interacts with interested attendees. Presenters are expected to remain with their posters to engage in discussion with the audience. Each poster
session period may include 8-15 posters.

Mini Sessions:
Mini Sessions provide individuals with 15 minutes to present their information and answer questions. Mini Session topics range from teaching ideas to research reports. Mini Sessions are grouped by topics in a 50 minute session. Each mini session typically includes 3 regular presentations by different presenters.

Breakout sessions:
The National Council for History Education invites proposal submissions for the 2016 program. Submission guidelines are found below. 

Please visit for complete details. All proposals must be submitted ELECTRONICALLY at

All proposals must be received by 5:00 pm on October 19, 2015. Late submissions WILL NOT be accepted.

Criteria for Program Selection
The Conference Committee will look at the following:

Does the proposal exhibit historical accuracy and show appropriate historical inquiry? wDoes the proposal offer audience interaction and engagement?

Does the proposal offer a meaningful contribution to the teaching of history?

Proposals promoting commercial products will not be accepted. If you are representing a commercial entity, your presentation must be educational in nature. Persons wishing to advertise or promote a particular product should
contact the NCHE Conference Coordinator, (240) 696-6612.

Important Notes
wLCD Projectors, Screens and a WiFi Connection will be provided in each session room. wAll accepted presenters and facilitators must pre-register for the conference.

All submissions will be notified of acceptance or rejection via email by December 18, 2015.

All proposals must be submitted on-line at and include a 50-100 word session description suitable for printing in the Final Conference Program. Please see the session submission details above for more information. 

All submissions will be notified of acceptance or rejection via email by: December 18, 2015 

Wednesday, March 18, 2015

China, The U.S. Founders, and Early American-Chinese Trade: A Summer 2015 Leadership Program

Two-week Summer 2015 leadership programs are being offered by The Pacific Learning Consortium, Inc., in collaboration with History Education Hawaii, Inc.

On the eve of the American Revolution and the War of Independence, Chinese products were in high demand. After the Treaty of Paris was signed in 1783, the newly-independent United States of America found itself isolated from European commerce and not yet a manufacturing nation able to compete on the world stage. At the time the Americans had been restricted to trade exclusively within the British Empire, and thus all Asian (Chinese) products had to be purchased through Great Britain per the Navigation Act of 1651

Yet within a year of independence the Empress of China embarked from New York City for a far-flung adventure to China, the new republic’s first trading partner. Colonial America’s forced submission to the domination/monopoly of the British East India Company had been removed, though obstacles remained. 

Centered in the USA in New York City, Philadelphia, Boston and Salem, Massachusetts,  and in Guangzhou (Canton), China, markets for Chinese products had already been developed. These products included  silk; porcelain (produced in bulk and special order); lacquer pieces and furniture; tea; ginseng; paper; printing; ivory carvings; medicines; gunpowder; amusements (cards, dominoes, kite flying), metalwork, wallpaper, and more. 

Why did Americans enter into the China trade? What challenges, triumphs and failures characterized the early years of mercantile transactions between Americans and Chinese? How did these developments influence the participants in trade relations? Who were the leaders of this relationship? What were the commonalities and differences of Chinese and American traders and their leaders in their respective nations? 

Sailing from New York City on February 22, 1784, the Empress of China arrived exactly six months and one day later on August 23. Upon its successful return to New York on May 11, 1785 the Empress signaled its arrival with a thirteen gun salute. When the Empress returned to China for the 1786-1787 trading season she was joined by four other ships. Among the passengers was Samuel Shaw as the first United States Consul at Guangzhou, who had been elected by Congress for the post. By this time interest in participation in the China trade had grown, and as such the seeds of a relationship between the world’s youngest civilization and the oldest had been planted. 

This unique program seeks to illuminate its participants with the intricacies and complexities of the influence of Chinese civilization on the Founders of the United States of America in 1776 and on the early development of the USA. In addition, the goals of the program seeks to facilitate exploration of the basis of the initial economic relationship between the USA and China through an overview of the history of trade and transactions between citizens of both nations. 

This independent program is offered and presented as a collaboration between The Pacific Learning ConsortiumHistory Education Hawaii, Inc. -the Hawaii affiliate of The National Council for History Education- for secondary and college/university students nationwide. 

Enrollment in the program is open to all interested middle school, high school and college/ university students regardless of race, ethnicity, gender, national origin. Three (tentative) cohorts of between 8 and 16 students each will be held in New York City. 

1) Middle School Group, New York City USA. Monday, June 29-July 10, 2015 (Note: No sessions Friday, July 3. Federal holiday) 

2) Senior High School Group, New York City USA. July 13-July 24, 2015. 

3) College/University Group, New York City USA. July 27-August 7, 2015.

This program includes field trips and excursions throughout New York City. These may include Fraunces Tavern, Federal Hall, Morris-Jumel Mansion, Fort Washington, the China Institute in America, St. Paul's Church, and the Metropolitan Museum of Art. 

After the conclusion of the instructional phase of the program, a graduation ceremony will be held. Each graduate will be presented with an official signed Certificate of Accomplishment. 

To qualify for the Certificate, each student must participate in program activities and submit a researched presentation on a topic of of his or her choice subject to the approval of the instructor and program director. Students will be instructed in basic nuances of public speaking and presentation skills, and participate in organizing a day-long conference-like event. The presentations will be open to the public. 

Nonrefundable $150 fee is required to secure a place in the program. Click this link to register and pay via Paypal. 

Printed checks will be accepted. Please make your program deposit check out to The Pacific Learning Consortium, Inc. Please mail it to P.O. Box 183, Honolulu HI 96810-0183. 

The total program fees, payment schedule and cancellation policies will be included in an admission packet along with a payment schedule. All tuition and fees must be paid prior to the commencement of the program. 

Costs associated with this program are inclusive of the following:
  • Instructional time.
  • Cultural workshops and sessions, field trip site admission, program-related travel except commuting costs and airfare where applicable.
  • Insurance.
Costs not associated with this program include outside meals, airfare, room and board, computer equipment and online access. 

Total tuition, including program deposit: US$850 per student plus applicable tax.  

Dr. Dave Wang and Mr. Jeffrey Bingham Mead 
in front of the China Institute in America, New York City. 

Tuesday, March 10, 2015


For Immediate Release
History Education Hawaii, Inc., State Affiliate of the National Council for History Education. 
March 10, 2015
Contact: Jeffrey Bingham Mead, 808-721-0306 or

Honolulu – History Education Hawaii, Inc., the State Affiliate of the National Council for History Education, is now accepting nominations for its 2015 Hawaii History Educator of the Year Award. 

Members of the public, administrators, teachers, parents as well as past and present students enrolled in Hawaii schools are invited to directly nominate history teachers for this distinguished statewide award. 

“We are looking for Hawaii history teacher candidates who are dedicated, inspirational, highly-skilled and driven to motivate students of diverse backgrounds and learning styles,” said Jeffrey Bingham Mead, president and co-founder of History Education Hawaii, Inc. 

Nominees are required to be currently teaching in a Hawaii public, private, independent or religious school with a minimum of five years teaching experience.

Please include the following in an email:

  1. Your name.
  2. Name of Hawaii history teacher you wish to nominate. Include his or her name, email contact, school, history subject area and grade level.
  3. In a minimum of 1-2 paragraphs please explain why you are nominating this teacher. Address how this nominee uses innovative teaching and/or facilitation methods, integrated technology, project learning, the use of primary resources, relating historical learning to problem-solving, methods that develop student skills that encourage active and informed citizenship in the community, and publications.  

John W. Bickel of Iolani School is 2014 History Educator of the Year. Besides teaching history, Bickel has served as the Hawaii coordinator of the annual Hawaii History Bee and Bowl since History Education Hawaii adopted this program in 2012. In 2014 the team of Iolani School coached by Bickel tied third place in the National History Bee and Bowl competitions. Bickel was also honored last year by the Honolulu City Council for his outstanding contributions to history education in Hawaii. 

The deadline for receiving nominations is 5:00 p.m., April 15, 2015. The awardee will be announced in conjunction with the annual 2015 Hawaii History Education Conference to be held in Honolulu this Spring. 

Please submit nominations in confidence to 

For more information about the 2015 Hawaii History Educator of the Year Award please contact historyeducationhawaii@gmail.comcall 808-721-0306, or visit this link

Monday, March 9, 2015

Nominations Accepted: Oral History Association Award

In 1993, the Oral History Association established an honorific award to recognize a distinguished primary or secondary school teacher or professional involved in educational outreach at the precollegiate level who has incorporated the practice of oral history in the classroom in an exemplary way.

To nominate a teacher or education professional for this award, please visit this link

Nominations must be emailed by April 17, 2015.

Monday, March 2, 2015

Congratulations! Winners of the 2015 Hawaii History Bee and Bowl

Wow! What a day it was at Iolani School for the 2015 Hawaii History Bee & Bowl State Championship Competitions!

We'd like to announce the following winners. In the History Bee Varsity the winners were Darwin Peng in first place, followed by James Jenkins and Kento Tanaka, all students of Iolani School. 

The Bee winners in the Junior Varsity category were William Heyler of Iolani School, with Matthew Sohn of Stevenson Intermediate in second place, followed by Maddie Gaudlitz of Iolani School.

Finally, in the Varsity Bowl category Iolani Team A beat Iolani Team B. In the Junior Varsity Iolani Team E defeated Iolani Team D. The winner of the Middle School category was Stevenson Intermediate.

We express our sincerest thanks to co-sponsors History Education Hawaii, Inc., the affiliate of the National Council for History Education, and The Pacific Learning Consortium. Special thanks goes to Iolani School for hosting the competitions, to all of the volunteer staff, teachers, students and parents who made the competitions exciting and enjoyable.

Now it is on to the nationals! How will Hawaii do? Last year the team from Iolani School that represented Hawaii came in at third place. We wish them good luck!