Dates: Monday and Tuesday, October 5-6, 2015 from 8:00 AM - 4:30 PM
Location: Prince Jonah Kuhio Kalanianaole Federal Courthouse in Honolulu, Hawaii.
There's still time to sign up - Don't miss this opportunity!
The United States District Court, District of Hawaii, partners with the King Kamehameha V Judiciary History Center, and the Hawaii State Department of Education to conduct a two-day* professional development workshop on the federal court system.
The workshop will explore the Federal Court's evolving interpretation of the 14th Amendment and the amendment's impact on rights of documented and undocumented aliens throughout the course of America's history. The workshop focuses on six trials that made their way through the federal courts.
Historical context and legal analysis of the cases will be provided by scholars and federal judges. By studying historical and contemporary court cases, teachers will gain insight on 14th amendment-related issues including immigration, citizenship, equal protection, and due process.
The cases to be studied are:
• The Slaughter-House Cases
• United States v. Wong Kim Ark
• Yick Wo v. Hopkins
• Hampton v. Mow Sun Wong
• Cabell v. Chavez-Salido
• Plyler v. Doe
Don't miss this opportunity to discuss historical cases with scholars and federal judges, and how to apply the content in your classroom instruction.
Participants will have the opportunity to meet recipients of Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals status (DACA), the federal program that temporarily suspends deportation hearings for undocumented youth who have grown up in the United States.
They will share their first-hand accounts of growing up "undocumented" in America.
Both public and private high school Social Studies teachers in Hawaii are encouraged to register.
Registration is limited to 25 teachers and includes ten spaces for neighbor-island teachers. Breakfast and lunch will be provided during the workshop.
Ten neighbor-island teachers will be reimbursed for up to $250 for airfare and overnight accommodations, ground transportation, and dinner per diem will be provided.
PDE3 information:
• PD Credit Course #SS180320
• PD Non-credit Course # SS180293
*Teachers enrolled for PD credit through the PDE3 website must also attend a third day (October 7, 2015) and participate in on-line follow-up sessions.
Registration Information
Registration is limited to middle and high school Social Studies teachers currently teaching in accredited public, private, or home school organizations in Hawaii.
Hawaii DOE teachers should register through the PDE3 site for either PD credit or non-credit.
PDE3 information:
• PD Credit Course #SS180320
• PD Non-credit Course # SS180293